Monday, September 4

walks and buildings and rain and television shows

Thursday Friday and Saturday, I circled the city looking for buildings by architects from the first half of the century. I found some pretty cool stuff of these long, leg aching 8-9 mile walks. It was mostly housing I was looking for. Magnus Poulsson, Arnstein Arneberg. Ove Bang. Knut Knutson. It was a good couple of days. Sunny. Mid 60’s.

Magnus Poulsson

Arnstein Arneberg

Ove Bang

Yesterday I stayed in. It rained all day. I need to get some sort of rain slicker or maybe just a hat to wear when it rains so I can go out and look at stuff when there is water falling from the sky. The rain is not a problem, per se, more of a nuisance. I have even been thinking about *GASP* buying an umbrella. Oh my god, nooooooo! Yes. I have lived the better part of three decades in Seattle and I have never owned an umbrella. What for? You get wet – you dry off. Not a big deal. It rains a lot in the Northwest, but it’s not unpleasant. Well, let me tell you, Seattle has met it match in Oslo. And the rain isn’t unpleasant here either, it’s just thick, knuckle sized drops pelting the world in satisfied fury. And it’s only going to get worse. And I was thinking that if I had an umbrella I could sketch under it. But I’m not sure I’m convinced. I think I’d look like and idiot with an umbrella. I’d feel like an idiot with an umbrella. And is it worth that to stay dry when, in truth, I would just dry off on my own? I’ll probably end up just getting a hat.
It’s sunny again today. So I’ll go take some photos. I think I’m going to go to St. Hallvard and explore the area around there. St. Hallvard is a pretty cool church by Lund & Saaloto. We visited it when I was here last. It’s got this great ceiling I’ll try to get some photographs of.
That’s been the last couple of days. Pretty uneventful really. About the most exciting thing has been that I have recently opened up an account at iTunes where I can download television shows. And this is pretty exciting. I watched the second season of Battlestar Galactica. If you haven’t seen this show, check it out. It’s really well written, plus there are Cylons. Anyway, they have the first two seasons of Lost, which I’ve heard was all right. And The Office which is comedy. And pretty soon Apple will be offering movies for download. So my entertainment is set for the winter months. It’s pretty cheap too. Well, reasonable anyway.
Check out the map under the Photographic Albums link to see where some of these buildings are.



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